The continuing saga . . . .
Back to camp after my Toklet run today. This is not one of my favorite times - the room is small and dark - but I will put down today's events. I readied myself early today, I don't want to be rushed. This practice of punching a time clock is hard for me to get into the habit of doing. But if ever an old dog was to learn a new trick I guess it is me today. I leave the WAC with 22 soon to be new friends. I have a new job - I am now driving a big green bus - no more short bus stuff for this flatlander! I will go 68 miles into the park today. As my new friends climb aboard with their canvas tote bags and small backpacks - some with tinkerbell on the front, some with polar tech on them, some in camo pants and some in sweat pants. They all have that look of excitement and couresity, should we do this or not?? I have decided to tell them all that this is my first day and that I am very nervous. They all tend to look at me with just a little fear and this, I have discovered, gives me the upper hand. I can see it in their faces - are they sure they want to go through with this - but I have them - they have paid their good hard-earned money and they are on vacation. The security of their recliner can't save them now. They are mine and I will do with them as I please. So, I do as normal, I lie - and I do it with suvch honesty in my eyes that at first they laugh and then the look comes over them so the only thing for me to do is lie some more. Oh what pleasure this gives me, so into my tongue-tied speech I go. This adds a touch more of realisms and I hook them even more. But by the time I get to the part about no standing or hanging out the window, no smoking or drinking of alcoholic beverages and that all try tables must be in the upright and locked position, there comes a collective sign from all of the true believers.
This is my third trip on the big bus and I gain more confidence with each trip. My speal gets better with each trip. It is bright today with some clouds down low but the high one, I fear, will hide herself from me today. We press on - seven and a half hours out and back today with only one way in and one way out. A lynx has come to the road to hunt for snowshoe hares and I am lucky to be rounding the corner and he is sitting there. He is almost silver in color, its' guard hairs are tipped in black, a shaggy black streaked silver ruff frames its' oval face. Long delicate whiskers extend from either side of its pink nose and tufts top its' ears. This is a rare sighting, for the lunx is very elusive and hard to spot, but the snowshoe hare are in a boom cycle right now. This happens every eight to ten years. Their normal numbers are 25 to 50 per square mile but in this book cycle, their numbers are 2500 per square mile. Of all the creatures in Alaska, noe are more dependent on the rabbit than is the lynx. They live on rabbit, follows the rabbit, thinks rabbit, tastes like rabbit and increases in numbers with them. Failure to find them and the die of starvation. The law of good and plenty. Some of my new friends are shocked by my analagy, but then they are mostly city people - townies at best - and they have not the sense of the woods as I do. After all, I am Alaskan, for the next 100 days anyway, and with being Alaskan comes that deeper knowledge and understanding of how the animals and woods work and live and die together. I guess I'm Alaskan, my driver's license says my address is P.O. Box 707, Milepost 237.8 Park Highway, Denali, Alaska, so I must be or my address would be something like Hill Road. I know one thing for sure, I miss my wife and family, my friends, my home, my dog and laughter. Laughter is such a sweet nectur. When you have it, it is bland and clear, with no taste or odor, but when you don't have it there is such a need. I am a junky in need of a laughter fix in the owrst way. My eyes are dry, they have had no tears of laughter for such a long time - not the kind of laughter I remember from the Hill Road address. I will need to learn how to control this havit which I have had for so long, for I fear that I will find no fix here. But late at night I pretend that I am sleeping and I pretend I am driving, then I get the needle and syringe filled with laughter and take it all in - a high washes over me and I am covered in "think I should, wish you would, think I will" and my mouth moves left and right and up and down and on and on she goes - she never stops and laughter slips in under the covers and I am warm again. Last night I spent the whole night with the memories of laughter - with Linda and all the laughter we share - with my girls and great to-ta-too performances and tapioca seeds hunting and other schemes - with fun times spent with my son-in-law, Bill. The laughter of my friends I miss more than I could ever have imagined. Dave & Ron - Jude and the old boys - Charlie and Joe - Jimmy - Olie with his great belly laugh that go along with the stories of his granddaughters, which only he can tell - the Shriver boys. I miss our special kind of laughter on Saturday mornings with our pick-up games, our spring fling to Johns - that was a great fix for there was laughter from the time we left until the pretzel alphabet making on the way back, even though Purvis was the only one to see Z & S. And Tob. If Tob was here I would need no other fix because although we have laughed the deep laugh together for many, many years, laughter is not all that we share. As much as I miss that drug called laughter and as empty as it can feel inside at times, there is such a beauty and mystic about this place, with its Great Mountain, the glaciers, the grizzles and moose sleeping ten feet from my front door. I pray that the inspiring nature that envelops us in this magical place will sustain me for just 100 more days. . . .
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
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Hi dada! I am home on lunch! Just got back from Havasu a few minutes ago. Man, its beautiful down there! I love driving in because you have the mountains in the back and you can see the whole lake srrounded by palm trees! Anyway, how are things in the park? Mom said you had a real good run the other day! I take my polygraph test on July 6th in Bullhead City. So, I had my first night all by myself last night. I slept in Hol's bed because it is more comfortable, and of course all three girls slept in bed with me. Bill got in just fine. I talked to Hollie this morning and she said Bristol just went crazy when he got there. Jerry had gone to St. Louis to pick him up, and it was about 4:00 am when he got home. I guess Bristol just talked and rooted and wiggled forever! This excerpt made me cry, but it was a happy cry! I laughed at the same time! Its suppossed to get really hot here this weekend and next week. Tuesday's high is 107! ot sure yet what I am doing on the fourth, but I may go to the fireworks here in town! Do they do anything special in the park? Well, I need to eat and get back to work! Talk to you soon! LOve you and miss you lots! Sara
Hey Tob,
Sup? Benn a while since i checked in on you. Sound like you getting one hell of an education/vacation. Golf is going as usual, but still miss not getting to play with you (golf that is). Miss seeing you and the scoot. Ike's been by the studio and Sue and I have seen him at the Shelby Legion. He's not going to read your blog's. He wants to see yor eyes and facial expressions as your tell your adventures. I don't mind reading them I also want to hear them straight from the hores mouth. I can't tell when your writing if your telling a tale or not, but after 30 plus years of hanging out with you I can see it in your eyes where others can't. And I wouldn't trade that for the world. Matt and Kelli and Belle came for supper. We hadn't seen them in a couple of weeks. My little ding dong (Belle) is growing like a weed. Sue I and I leave Tuesday for Charles City, IA for the fourth and then we're going to spend a couple of days riding around the ole Missippi river. The studio has been busy, our garden is the best it has ever been except for the blackberries. Linda, Hollie and Bill are coming Monday evening. It will be the first and only time we will get to see them since they have been back.We were out of town all last weekend. And they have been busy, then we are leaving Tuesday for the rest of the week. I can honestly say....where has the summer gone. I hope time is going quickly for you, but absorb everything that you can. Your doing something that only a few of us can just dream of, but never do even if we could take the time off. Linda seems to be doing okay the few times I get to see or talk to her. With the dry weather we were having she didn't have to mow that much, now the rains came on, but I know she can handle it. You've got one special lady there. And a couple of great kids. Oh and Bill to. I did play with Bristol a couple of times when I went out and trimmed your trees and used your paper cutter. She miss's you to. Well I better get off here, my fingers are starting to bleed. Be safe, rubber side down and don't step in the Moose shit. Miss ya man!
Hey dad! Good to talk to ya last night. Still feel like crap. I made a doctor's appointment today. I go at 2:45. Unbelievable, huh?!?! I guess Arizona really is the place for me. It has been so long since I've been sick that I don't see how I lived like this. I am miserable. Anyway, LOVED the writing of course. I cried. I do miss you soooo much but I am even prouder to be your daughter. I know how it feels to miss being in the group and that familiar joke or comfortable laughter. However, you are on an amazing journey that you were courageous enough to take and all of us back here can't wait to watch you tell us about it and see those pictures. I cannot wait to buy your book. Do you suppose I could get a signed copy? Bill has to take his tux back today and I'm just hanging out until my dr's appointment. We are going to Carey (dad #2) and Sue's for Villa Pizza tonight. Can't wait to see them. I saw C.P. in passing but that's it. Between the weddings and trying to get around to see everyone, time gets away from you. So, tonight will be nice. Well, I'm gonna go lay back down. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Hollie
hey dad. how ya doing today? i feel a little better maybe. got some drugs from the doc. same ol' shit-a steroid and an antibiotic. i have to say, i'm anxious to get back to the desert! i'm just relaxing at your house today until dinner at grandma gold shoes tonight, then over to Bob and Nancy's for a big family get together. Bill went to town to see some people and renew your truck sticker. Last night was great with Carey and Sue. Wish we could have spent more time with them. But with the weddings and their trip, it just isn't gonna happen this round. He sure does miss ya. So does your dog! She is gonna go nuts when you get home. She probably won't let you out of her sight for a while either! She has been a bit if a nervous nelly due to all of the firecrackers going off around here. Supposed to rain for the 4th tomorrow. I'm just planning on stopping John and Karen Carter's for their annual 4th shindig to see them for a bit then I'll be hanging with mom. Bill might go to the fireworks with Gerry, Tina and their little one but I don't think I should sit out in the air next to the fields already being sick, especially if its gonna be damp. So, mom and I or all 3 of us will probably be watching the Boston Pop thing that you guys always watch. We might make Bill grill something for us. He's quite the pro now. If you have the time this week, you might call Seester. She's bored and lonely. She may need a pep talk too. She's driving to the Vegas airport to pick us up on Saturday and you know how she gets! Well, I'm gonna check my email now and then go lay down and let my drugs work a bit. I love you more and more and miss you bunches!!!! ~Hollie
Hey Captain Carpenter----Suuuup with you ??? I have been reading your journals and really enjoying them and feeling very envious of your adventures and encounters. As you probably have been told, things around here about as normal as ever with no sightings, YET, this summer of the ever elusive MASKED AVENGER but rumor has it that he/she may emerge sometime later this fall---we can only hope and pray for such an occurrence !!! Rains finally came to the Flatlands but far too late to save the sweet corn crop on the south forty in Windsor. It has tassels on it but it is only about 6 inches tall and you will have to low crawl thru the garden to pick anything that might be there. Ivan has a great garden, as usual, and I hope to beg a few items from him before the summer is over. Golf is about the same as always, with the exception of missing you and your treasured words of wisdom for all of us each week. A big bunch of the crew went up to Stone Creek today to play but I had to go to Lincoln to do a little business and missed the trip----I was really looking forward to playing up there as I have never been on the course before. Probably better that I did not make the trip cause the course will probably be in much better shape than if I would of hacked it up with some of my shots. I rarely see Carey for some reason or another and have seen your lovely wife Linda only a couple of times this summer. I got home early this afternoon and for some reason got to thinking about you and wondered what wild adventure you were having over the 4th of July holiday----I hope you are having the time of your life and remember that we all miss you lots and think and definitely talk about almost daily.....Keep your nose to the wind !!!! Capn H.
Hi: Bubba
Post Comment, that seems so easy. Where was the Post Comment option a month ago? Oh never mind at my age I overlook alot of simple stuff. I've really enjoyed reading about your adventures. I have a picture in my mind of you driving the bus down a dusty road and leading your passengers in the song "There's a skeeter on my p---r, knock it off knock it off". Wish we could be there to join in.
Things are great here.Judy's still as mean as ever and I'm trying to stay out from under foot. I'm getting up earlier now than when a was working and normaly beat the sun before it rises over the tree's on #1 at Rogala. As you know it's an awesome site walking down the fairway as the sun comes up. I can't imagine how beautiful it must be there. Hope your taking plenty of picture to share when you get back.
Hardy and I are having a good time on Moose league.Just last Wednesday we put
branches that must have fallen during a sudden wind storm(Cary Paxton) on our
golf cart and could not be seen by anyone.(stealth mode) The Shriver boys were behind
us on # 6,so we had to go for a drive by shooting. Hardy used his putter like a shotgun.
Fortunatly no one was hurt.
If you don't mind we do need for you to tell us when to use a landblast compared to a waylay. I've never been real clear on the difference.
Dave is trying to teach me how to sandbag on Thursday Morning league. I don't want to
discourage him but I don't think I'm smart enough to sandbag. Dave,Larry,Bruce and I
went to Moweague today and played 27 holes. I think we wore Dave down. He was concerned about the h2o consumption. He's a good sport to stay with us and play so
we can get our golf fix.
I better go now it's getting late,got'a get up early you know."You take care of yourself."
Don't wander to far into the wild alone. Enjoy!
Hi: Bubba
It's getting about time to start thinking about the Capt. Morgan Open. If it's alright
with you I'd like to set it up
shortly after you get back.
It can be the 9th annual Capt.
Morgan Open with guest shooter
Think it over and let me know
when would be a good time for you?
Then I can talk with Rich at Bent
Tree to get a date set.
Since I'm asking questions how do find the comments that people send seems like thier all over the place?
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